About TheJOBBY.com

A prominent news organisation like no other, we focus on news that matters to ordinary people and truth seekers among others. 

This is our story…

February 2008

Humble beginnings

The Journal of Business Bond Yeilds (J.O.B.B.Y) was originally formed as a sub division of Bear Stearns, a highly successful banking conglomerate. Initially, the journal proudly focused on bringing positive financial news to investors during the credit crisis and global financial meltdown but this quickly changed to include a variety of news.

March – September 2008


After an initial rough start the journal was taken over by Lehman Brothers, another prominent financial giant, where it successfully published important news for the next 6 months before being permanently closed down.

March 2015

Resurgance and rebranding

The journal was brought back from the dead after a series of legal battles were fought to determine who actually owned it. Various parties spent thousands in legal fees to prove they did not own or have any responsibility for any of the stories previously written by it. Anyway, the publication began again only this time the overly long name ‘the journal of business bond yeilds’ was dropped for its sleeker more audience friendly acronym ‘the JOBBY’. The current edition began and the rest is history!

August 2020 – Present

The next chapter...

In August 2020, the organisations new website ‘TheJobby.com’ was launched. The old website (which had been hacked by Russian fraudsters and cannot be recovered because Stanley the administrator forgot the password and also deleted the email address where the reset was supposed to go to… just great isn’t it Stanley??? What’s even the point anymore the whole sites fucked and five years of my life are down the drain) is no longer in use. We are excited for the future and hope you are too!

Meet the team

Lead Content Writer Steven got a job here because his dad is rich and invested money.

Steven Johnstone

Lead Content Writer

Steven got a job here because his dad is rich and invested money.
Head of Security/Chief Researcher 
Stacey doesn't take any shit. From anyone. Behind her charming smile lies a burning hatred for everything and everyone.

Stacey Smith

Head of Security/Chief Researcher

Stacey doesn’t take any shit. From anyone. Behind her charming smile lies a burning hatred for everything and everyone.
Junior Content Writer 
Jose has a first class honours degree in journalism and spent several years in a war zone reporting events as they occurred. Despite being the most qualified to work here he has the lowest paying job.

Jose Rodríguez

Junior Content Writer

Jose has a first class honours degree in journalism and spent several years in a war zone reporting events as they occurred. Despite being the most qualified to work here he has the lowest paying job.


Somewhere in Toronto, Canada. Maybe.